Ramen soupbowls with holder for smartphone:
handy or pathetic? an indication of an individualistic society, a sign of loneliness, practical?
New gestures, habits, attire
fig. g: Possible Profitable Desirable, a graph useful for defining an idea as a product which must work the tension between these three dimensions. It works under the assumption that all such things known as products must exist in the sweet spot — the center — in order to be viable in a general marketplace. Thus, one must describe or represent a viable product as having equal measures of all three dimensions either. It should be noted that any product can be fictionalized as existing in that center through a variety of Design Fictional techniques, including compelling advertising design and copy, hypothetical bug reports, user forum discussions, images of the product extant e.g. in the hand, at a point of purchase display, in a catalog, broken at a trash heap, for sale at a flea/farmer’s market, represented on a promotional t-shirt, as a laptop sticker, indicated as extant based on a car-side magnetic sticker offering at-home or in-office service & repair for said product, etc.
Designs For An Overpopulated Planet: Foragers; various processing/digesting devices (source: Dunne & Raby, 2013a)
More importantly, whatever form or genre of representation one uses, Design Fiction is about creating provocations, about prodding ideas to make them thorough, considered, alive and in-the-world. It is about activating the imagination, providing seeds of inspiration and insight. Design Fiction is about shifting one’s sense of what is possible by making the extraordinary feel ordinary.
This video depicts a future scenario imagining "curious rituals" that relate to our media landscape.
It is interesting to note that it uses very simple means to suggest how new technologies might be part of our daily routine. No need for heavy duty knowledge and skills - just a decent camera and using your imagination!
What if one day written language disappeared from the world, and sound became society's primary means of communication?
What would daily life look (or sound) like? How would personal conversations, commercial advertising, practical wayfinding and so forth be changed? What will become of the graphic design profession, and what does this future glimpse tell us about our dependence on text, image and language today?
A 3rd year wdka student project on Design Fiction.
you can also just drag and drop an image file!
only seems to work with urls that have https (and not those that only have http)